Monday, August 25, 2014

We're having a.....

 This week has been amazing. We had our ultrasound appointment and it was quite a phenomenal experience. Since we found out we were pregnant I've been longing for the day for it to feel "more real" via belly bump, seeing the little one on the ultrasound, feeling him kick- anything. So to actually see our sweet little boys profile, his little feet and hands, it made it all feel so much more real. His profile is the cutest thing I've ever seen. If you look at him head on- he still looks a little alien like, BUT STILL ADORABLE! Before the ultrasound tech told us we were having a boy she asked if we had any bets going. Lance and I both kind of giggled and I told her that our whole family thinks it's going to be a girl because we both have all sisters. Her response- perfect "Well, they are all wrong!" And then BOOM! TEARS! Squeals, Lance's reaction, sheer amazement. So by golly, we are having a little baby boy and we could not be more excited.
 This weekend we had a family reunion with Lance's family in Sunriver and it was so fun! We floated the river, played family reunion olympics, laughed, ate a lot, and caught up with each others lives. We found out that we were having a boy the morning before we all met up in Sunriver- needless to say everyone was chomping at the bit to know what we were having. On the drive over, we bought pink balloons and blue balloons, I poked holes in all of the pink balloons and once we got there we had each person close their eyes and I gave them the balloon that corresponded with their gender guess. On the count of three they opened their eyes and started blowing up their balloons. The pink balloons popped and the blue balloons blew up. It was so much fun telling them, we all laughed and hugged and I think everyone was in shock. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

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