Monday, September 1, 2014

Kickin' up a Storm!

Well we are half way there!! 20 weeks down and 20 more to go before we get to meet our little sweetheart. Knowing that he is a boy is kind of crazy- from time to time I still catch myself calling him "they" before I remember- We actually know what we're having!! So exciting. This week has been pretty good, no crazy symptoms, just itchy skin, chocolate cravings, and pregnancy brain. Fun fact: If I wear a belt with my clothes you can some what tell that I have a belly! It's great! 

We have been talking about names and I think we are settled on Aemes (Ay-mms) Wilde. We aren't setting it in stone until we see him. Some of the other names we thought of were Wesley Lyon, Dash Steven, and if Lance had his way, he would be named Enzo (yes, like Enzo Ferrari). If little bug was a girl we had Sawyer, Leighton, and Harper picked out for names. We'll save those for if we have a girl on the next round :)

I celebrated my birthday last Saturday and it was wonderful. I spent the whole day relaxing with my husband and my dog, had food with family and friends, and ended the evening with swing dancing in the living room with my sweet hubby. The next day my mom, Nana, and I went shopping and I got new maternity clothes from Old Navy. Naturally, since Carters is right next door from Old Navy, we stopped there next. Needless to say, this boy is going to be STYLISH! 

Baby Armstrong was an active one this week, in fact, he gave me the best birthday present a mommy could ask for- he kicked hard enough for daddy to feel him! I can definitely tell that he is getting stronger because I feel him much more frequently now. 

So those cravings though....Random...
Spicy, hot sauce with my savory foods (lunches and dinners) and sweets whenever possible. And by whenever, I mean that if I could have them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I would consume my weight in chocolate cookies, brownies, candy, you name it. Thankfully, we have not stocked our house with any of those so I have to refrain. I can't say that I would go as far as to make the Kit Kat Lasagna below- but I'm also not above trying something similar.

Maybe it's all of the sugar cravings making me dopey, but for some reason when I'm formulating sentences sometimes, I sound like a 2 year old trying to express my needs and I just can't. I stare blankly just searching for the right words and then BOOM it comes back to me and I carry on until another simple word slips my mind. It's like I'm drunk on pregnancy. Shiza.

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