Friday, September 26, 2014

Catching Up

I missed blogging for week 22 and 23 and now I'm creeping up on week 24! Yikes.
Well let's recap on week 22 and 23

Week 22
  • Flew to Denver for our dear friend's wedding. It was gorgeous! I had the honor of being in the wedding party and it was so much fun getting together with all of the girls and preparing for the big day all weekend. We have a pretty great group of friends and all of the bride and grooms new and old friends seemed to mesh so perfectly. We stayed at a house in Boulder and it was gorgeous. It was a 10 minute walk from their downtown area, so Lance and I walked to get breakfast on the morning of our 2 year anniversary. Honestly, I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend it than with some great friends, great food, and awesome dance moves. 

  • As far as pregnancy symptoms go- week 22 was the week of extreme energy. I managed to stay up every night past 9PM (little victories guys, little victories) AND I even made it past midnight on the night of their rehearsal dinner. 
  • My boobs continue to grow like tiny mountains, sorry, TMI. That's also where I've gotten my first stretch marks. Yikes, they're very prominent. 
  • Ames is active as ever. Kicking around all the time, mostly active in the morning. 

Week 23
  • Lance and I get up anywhere from 5AM-6AM on a daily basis. Even when we have a day off we aren't sleeping in much later than 6:30 or 7. This inevitably means that by 8:30 we've fallen asleep on the couch-whoops. Okay, I say "we" but in reality, he's fallen asleep with me maybe once...he's usually the one waking me up to go to bed. 
  • Again, with the boob talk- I apologize. ITCHY, ITCHY, ITCHY!!! Cocoa butter to the rescue.
  • I had another ultrasound so that they could get better pictures of his heart and all looked well! He is weighing in at about 1.6 lbs and was a total stinker. He was so cozy and balled up in there that he decided whatever way she needed him to face, he would face the opposite. 
  • He's still most active in the morning and now when he moves you can actually see my belly move with him. He's getting stronger! 
Last weekend we went to the OSU VS San Diego St. game (Beavs won!!!)  and we, wait for it, WATCHED IT FROM A SUITE! Holy coolness my friends. Our brother in law rocks.

He's going to be the best dad ever :)

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