Sunday, September 28, 2014

Heartburn, I loathe you.

Well today I am 24 weeks! 6 month point. Only 16 more weeks to go before we get to meet our sweetheart. Most days I feel fantastic! It's weird that getting off the couch or getting up from stretching on the floor is growing increasingly difficult. Today, I've felt like total garbage. Lance hasn't felt 100% either- so we are wondering if maybe it's food poisoning. Either way, it's been an extra lazy Sunday.
Symptoms this week:
  • Walking up stairs makes me slightly winded. Well, winded enough that I need to walk around slowly before talking to anyone otherwise I sound noticeably out of breath ha...
  • Sleepy throughout the day. I wake up feeling pretty good, but I could easily nap throughout the day if I was allowed. 
  • HEARTBURN! It is increasingly worse if I eat something super sweet, otherwise it just hurts after dinner. Tums do the trick for the most part, but I really dislike popping them like a drug addict. 
  • DROOL! What the heck- I never knew that my saliva production would increase so much. I wake up in a river of it. Also, I sleep so hard at night that I'm sawing logs, so when I wake up it feels like I've been yelling at a Spice Girls concert all night. 
  • If it's hot outside I swell up like a balloon, feet, hands, face. I'm so thankful that we are going into the colder months. I made Lance agree that the next one would be conceived in August so that we avoid all hot months. Props to all the mamas who deliver from June-September. Mad Props. 

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts. You're hilarious! Glad your pregnancy is going well:)
