Sunday, October 12, 2014

6 1/2 months!

The weeks are starting to blend together now, I feel like I"m in a little bit of a stand still and my tummy has grown a whole lot lately.
I have developed this awesome pressure discomfort under the right side of my ribs. According to The Google Interweb- That pressure is from my organs being "rearranged" in my body. As if pregnancy wasn't weird enough as it is, now half of my intestines are up in my rib cage. I can really only feel this when I sit down. Speaking of sitting down, ouch. The middle of my back KILLS if I sit for too long. Luckily my job has me on my feet a good portion of the day but, that too hurts my back. No mercy.
Still no stretch marks on the belly, thank goodness, but my breasts are now road maps. Oww owwww, I know.
Little man has been super active lately. I can feel him up quite a bit higher now and you can see my whole belly move when he does. A couple times a day he will push some larger body part of his up against the outside of my stomach and then kick in the lower quadrant of my stomach. I love watching him, I could sit and watch all day.

Cravings thus far: Plain yogurt with frozen semi-sweet chocolate chips. Oh my heavens. It is delicious. All I need is 1 Tbsp of yogurt and a handful of chocolate chips. Repeat various times throughout the day :) Also, sparkling water, plain old sparkling water and soy, decaf, half the sweetener, Pumpkin Spice Latte (yes, I'm that girl- sorry nice baristas) - Soooo delicious!

Now, it seems like so many of my dear friends are pregnant with me at the same time and I was lucky enough to spend a Saturday with one of my oldest friends, Shanda, while we celebrated her newest baby, Wyatt. This little guy is her second and she's exactly 10 weeks ahead of me.

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