Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Excessive Pregnancy Eating Anonymous (EPEA)

EPEA, it should be a thing. This week has been the week of insatiable hunger. I quite literally ALWAYS have something in my hand to consume.  I find myself waking up starving! Breakfast has never been so exciting to me. I also find myself shamelessly going back to the freezer just one more time and eating copious amounts of chocolate chips. This has been the best way to avoid hunger pangs or the pain of being too full. One time I made the mistake of eating a normal size meal and I had to lay on my side for hours waiting for that to digest. Sweet Mother of Pearl there is not enough room in this little body of mine to house a growing fetus, my lungs, and a normal size meal. Therefore, I will continue to eat consistently every 30-60 minutes out of the day :) I've been craving bread and cheese lately. Quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, bean and cheese burritos- those are my comfort foods. If you know me,  you know that cheese typically = farts digestive pain, however, I believe this child is changing me for the better. Ice cream, milk and heavy creams are off limits, but I'm able to eat cheese and yogurt pain free! Ames- I love you for this (and many other things :) )

Also, emotions are fun. I have been inconsistently frustrated, happy, sad, excited, repeat, etc., etc. 
I was frustrated the other day because I was so hot, this frustration turned into fighting back tears before a perfectly wonderful weekend with my husband. 
The day progressed as this; wake up in the morning (at 5:30 because I have to pee and lord knows I can't fall back asleep after that) and we have a lovely walk to Starbucks and I get to enjoy a delicious Decaf Soy Pumpkin Spice Latte, we relax and watch some of our favorite TV show and he goes to Crossfit. Naturally, I stay in bed and cuddle with Sage until he gets back, but then my back starts to hurt, Ames isn't kicking as much as he normally does, and I get too hot. So, now Lance is back, I have a headache and a backache and I'm hot, cue frustrated internal conversation in my head. Calm, rational Kayla tells irrational pregnant Kayla that it's time to take a couple deep breaths and shake it off. "GIRL, YOU DON'T KNOW MY LIFE!" is what I'd like to say out loud until I realize, Hey, Crazy lady, you're fighting with yourself. Morning shower, make up, clothing tussle ensues, I finally get myself dressed and ready for the day and by this time the outside temperature has increased since I took Sage potty at 7am and BLOODY HELL IT'S FREAKIN HOT. That then makes my halfway decent outfit increasingly uncomfortable, cue the potential tears. Finally, Lance reminded me that the cute hat I had on was probably making me warm so if I took that off, I might cool down. Praise the good lord that I have him to be my realist, otherwise I might have died of a heat stroke and we never would of enjoyed our day at the Pumpkin Patch with the Holcombs.

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