Thursday, October 30, 2014

Caution: Laughing Leads to Wetting One's Pants

Let me start out with a very funny story about Lance and I...It starts like this:

It's a nice evening so we go for a little stroll with Sage and take her to a hill at our apartment complex that has a great place for her to run and fetch her frisbee (her favorite play time). So we are tossing the frisbee down the hill and it ends up getting stuck on top of a rather tall bush. This dog is obsessed with this frisbee. Imagine a small child who just realized that their favorite doll is stranded on top of a bush...they run around looking for ways to get it down, look at you with worried eyes as if to say "well, you're the parent, you have to get it down!" So naturally we throw sticks, shake the bush, throw rocks, attempt to climb this pokey bush, and are ultimately coming up empty handed. So here's a great idea!! Let's put (at this time) 6 1/2 month pregnant Kayla on Lance's shoulders and Mom can retrieve the frisbee and we will have saved the day! Terrible idea...While Lance toddles to a standing position with his pregnant wife delicately placed on his shoulders I start laughing because we are going through these extreme lengths to retrieve a completely replaceable frisbee for our pitiful dog who is dancing around the two of us because she is NOT okay with him picking me up like that. I start laughing harder and realize, "Oh god, I'm going to pee my pants...BABE! I'M PEEING!" Yes...while atop his shoulders I am laughing so hard that it's making me wet myself. He quickly and gracefully gets me off of his shoulders before he turns into a human diaper, but it was too late. I had gotten him. Now I was standing there laughing SO HARD that I can't see through my tears. I, Kayla Armstrong, a grown 23 year old woman, had just wet myself on my husbands shoulders and now had completely peed my pants. It was a long, funny, cold walk home to say the least. We got the frisbee down though!

Okay, onto other news:

I'm just about 29 whole weeks along (this Sunday)! A little over 7 months pregnant and feeling pretty great! Minus the back pain and heart burn. Oh and inability to eat more than mouse size meals at one time. I just compared pictures from the past couple months. It's crazy when you see yourself day to day you don't notice how much bigger you get!
Here's my 20th, 24th, 26th, and 29th week pictures side by side
Hey, heyyy baby boy!!
Let's see what's new:
  • Ames is kicking quite a bit stronger. My entire mid section moves and dances every time he moves. So amazing
  • At my 7 month appointment I had gained 3 pounds putting me at a total of 20lbs for the pregnancy. I also found out I do not have gestational diabetes- whoop whoop!
  • Salad sounds pretty nasty to me 99% of the time. I'm trying to get creative with my veggies. Mostly I'm eating them in stir fry, baked, or with hummus.
  • Still always hungry. I can't eat a lot at one time but my eating endurance is impressive (pretty much all the time unless I'm sleeping)
  • I over did it the other day at work and Lance had to help me off the couch to the bathroom because my back hurt so bad. I have since been instructed to "For the love of god, take it easy, woman!" and I am listening very well :)
  • I'm sleeping like a rock most nights. It's rumored that this will change in the coming months, so I'm taking advantage of it while I can!
  • I felt him hiccup for the first time this week! It was crazy because it was so low on my body (lower left near my hip)
In other big news...Lance has gotten a new job down in Corvallis. He is 8,000X happier than he was at the other job. I have my old, laughing, smiling husband back. Also! We are in the process of buying a house! We put an offer in on a new house in a subdivision in North Albany and they accepted it!! So let the loan process begin

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