Wednesday, August 13, 2014

16 Weeks and some change

I need to get better about blogging on Sundays again. We have literally had something going every single weekend for the past 3 weeks and this weekend we're moving! We are very excited about having a place to call home and I am very excited to start nesting. August 21st we find out what we're having, so the nesting will be full blown at that point! Until then, I'll be patient...ish :)

Well, I'm 16 weeks and 4 days....I can finally feel a very prominent and hard bump above my pelvis. At my last appointment the baby's heartbeat was 137 and I've gained 2 of the 7 pounds I lost during the first trimester.

I haven't had any bizzare cravings per say, but very bland foods have sounded best to me. Top Ramen, toast, cereal, crackers and cheese, mostly snacky foods. Last night was the first time I wanted an actual dinner in about a week and a half. The acne is better this week, thankfully. It's still there, but they aren't huge, under the skin, mountains anymore. I feel more alert, awake, and energetic this week than in previous weeks, no more bed times at 7pm :) I think what has helped this the most is that Lance and I have been getting home from work a little later and we take Sage for a walk around the property after dinner and then we relax. Less time spent just vegging out and more time using my brain and moving! Also, I'm doing multiple stair laps, exercise classes, and running to and from places in the facility while I'm at work- definitely staying active.

Last weekend was my good friend, Claire's bachelorette party and I have to brag....I stayed up until 1:34 AM!!!!! Whaaaaaat??? I haven't done that in quite some time...pat on the back to ol' preggers over here :) It was so fun, we went to Hood River and explored their downtown area, went out to dinner at a delicious restaurant, and ended the weekend with a hike at Horse tail falls. I'm so excited to see my dear friend all dressed up for her wedding, she will make one beautiful bride!

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