Sunday, August 17, 2014

18 Weeks

In the morning- I feel like I have a tiny bump. In the afternoon- after I've eaten what seems like meals for 8 large men...I look pretty bloated. However, I care very little anymore- I am fully embracing my chubby bump, wanna know why? Because this is the only time in my life where I can feel comfortable lettin' it alllll hangout. I know it's not hangin' out there because I'm not exercising or eating right, it's out there because I have a small human growing inside of me- so why the heck not?? Also, it's bloody hot in our apartment so clothing is not my best friend right now. In fact, getting dressed in the morning is an absolute battle. Some mornings I legitimately feel like reacting similarly to a 2 year old. Thrashing my head back so my whole body flops on the bed, kicking off the 8th pair of pants I've tried on that "for some odd reason, just don't fit", and crying it out until I fall asleep and nap for the remainder of the day. How about that for pregnancy hormones?
But instead, I take the 8th pair of pants that will no longer button willingly, I throw a belly belt on them, layer up some tank tops to hide the awkward button poking out, toss my hair in a bun (because there is no way I'm drying it when it's so hot) and I walk my tush out the door to work. 
I must say- once the sickness went away, pregnancy has been pretty great. Sometimes I even pretend/wish/hope that the random rumbles in my tummy are the baby moving. I cannot wait until I know that it's actually the baby and not just gas :) Sorry, TMI?
We find out what we're having this week! I'm so excited, I reallllly hope the baby isn't shy, otherwise we'll have to wait another month until we find out and as I've made very clear...I'm inpatient :)

At 18 weeks, sweet baby Armstrong is the length of a sweet potato. We love you so so much already our little jelly bean. 

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