Monday, August 25, 2014

We're having a.....

 This week has been amazing. We had our ultrasound appointment and it was quite a phenomenal experience. Since we found out we were pregnant I've been longing for the day for it to feel "more real" via belly bump, seeing the little one on the ultrasound, feeling him kick- anything. So to actually see our sweet little boys profile, his little feet and hands, it made it all feel so much more real. His profile is the cutest thing I've ever seen. If you look at him head on- he still looks a little alien like, BUT STILL ADORABLE! Before the ultrasound tech told us we were having a boy she asked if we had any bets going. Lance and I both kind of giggled and I told her that our whole family thinks it's going to be a girl because we both have all sisters. Her response- perfect "Well, they are all wrong!" And then BOOM! TEARS! Squeals, Lance's reaction, sheer amazement. So by golly, we are having a little baby boy and we could not be more excited.
 This weekend we had a family reunion with Lance's family in Sunriver and it was so fun! We floated the river, played family reunion olympics, laughed, ate a lot, and caught up with each others lives. We found out that we were having a boy the morning before we all met up in Sunriver- needless to say everyone was chomping at the bit to know what we were having. On the drive over, we bought pink balloons and blue balloons, I poked holes in all of the pink balloons and once we got there we had each person close their eyes and I gave them the balloon that corresponded with their gender guess. On the count of three they opened their eyes and started blowing up their balloons. The pink balloons popped and the blue balloons blew up. It was so much fun telling them, we all laughed and hugged and I think everyone was in shock. Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Sunday, August 17, 2014

18 Weeks

In the morning- I feel like I have a tiny bump. In the afternoon- after I've eaten what seems like meals for 8 large men...I look pretty bloated. However, I care very little anymore- I am fully embracing my chubby bump, wanna know why? Because this is the only time in my life where I can feel comfortable lettin' it alllll hangout. I know it's not hangin' out there because I'm not exercising or eating right, it's out there because I have a small human growing inside of me- so why the heck not?? Also, it's bloody hot in our apartment so clothing is not my best friend right now. In fact, getting dressed in the morning is an absolute battle. Some mornings I legitimately feel like reacting similarly to a 2 year old. Thrashing my head back so my whole body flops on the bed, kicking off the 8th pair of pants I've tried on that "for some odd reason, just don't fit", and crying it out until I fall asleep and nap for the remainder of the day. How about that for pregnancy hormones?
But instead, I take the 8th pair of pants that will no longer button willingly, I throw a belly belt on them, layer up some tank tops to hide the awkward button poking out, toss my hair in a bun (because there is no way I'm drying it when it's so hot) and I walk my tush out the door to work. 
I must say- once the sickness went away, pregnancy has been pretty great. Sometimes I even pretend/wish/hope that the random rumbles in my tummy are the baby moving. I cannot wait until I know that it's actually the baby and not just gas :) Sorry, TMI?
We find out what we're having this week! I'm so excited, I reallllly hope the baby isn't shy, otherwise we'll have to wait another month until we find out and as I've made very clear...I'm inpatient :)

At 18 weeks, sweet baby Armstrong is the length of a sweet potato. We love you so so much already our little jelly bean. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I'll have one of everything on the menu, please.

This is the truth, I have the appetite of a line backer and I feel as though I can see where I'm keeping the food now... I haven't quite hit the pregnant belly pop- there is definitely a noticeable bump's just more of a "you drank a lot of beer and ate a couple loaves of bread, huh?" bump. That's okay though, I know that it's our little sweetheart :) This week has been pretty good I'm 17 weeks and a couple days. Let's see...what's new:

Well I'm experiencing the round ligament pain more and more lately. I sneezed yesterday and though I ripped my abdominals out. I'm still able to do yoga without pain though which is a bonus!

Sage and I have been walking/ doing (walking) stair laps every morning so far. That's been helping with my sleeping at night I think. I'm actually able to get a work out in in the morning which is pretty great.

The acne can't make up it's mind. Sometimes it behaves, sometimes it's just plain rude..

It's been hotter than Hades the past couple days so night times were rough, UNTIL my wonderful Claire generously surprised me with the U pillow. If you don't know what that is, google it ASAP. It is pure magic. I slept all through the night last night, I didn't even get up for my usual potty break! So Claire, you are the best in the whole world :)

And the most exciting part of it all...I THINK I MAY have felt the baby move...MAYBE...I was able to rule out I'm pretty sure I felt a little roll in there :)

On a note unrelated to little jelly bean- I'd like to take a second to pay tribute to Robin Williams.
This is one celebrity death that has me shaken to the core. This man brought my sisters and I closer together when we would quote Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, Flubber, the list goes on. He brought my husband and I even closer with his brilliance, when Lance would get excited to introduce me to a movie of his I had never seen before; Good Will Hunting. Through every movie that I ever watched of his, every stand up I ever painfully belly laughed through, it was though I was the only person he was performing for. The man was a true genius, brilliant in his art, and I will miss his tiny awkward imitating voice. Thank you for sharing so many years of your brilliance with the world, Rest in Peace.

16 Weeks and some change

I need to get better about blogging on Sundays again. We have literally had something going every single weekend for the past 3 weeks and this weekend we're moving! We are very excited about having a place to call home and I am very excited to start nesting. August 21st we find out what we're having, so the nesting will be full blown at that point! Until then, I'll be patient...ish :)

Well, I'm 16 weeks and 4 days....I can finally feel a very prominent and hard bump above my pelvis. At my last appointment the baby's heartbeat was 137 and I've gained 2 of the 7 pounds I lost during the first trimester.

I haven't had any bizzare cravings per say, but very bland foods have sounded best to me. Top Ramen, toast, cereal, crackers and cheese, mostly snacky foods. Last night was the first time I wanted an actual dinner in about a week and a half. The acne is better this week, thankfully. It's still there, but they aren't huge, under the skin, mountains anymore. I feel more alert, awake, and energetic this week than in previous weeks, no more bed times at 7pm :) I think what has helped this the most is that Lance and I have been getting home from work a little later and we take Sage for a walk around the property after dinner and then we relax. Less time spent just vegging out and more time using my brain and moving! Also, I'm doing multiple stair laps, exercise classes, and running to and from places in the facility while I'm at work- definitely staying active.

Last weekend was my good friend, Claire's bachelorette party and I have to brag....I stayed up until 1:34 AM!!!!! Whaaaaaat??? I haven't done that in quite some time...pat on the back to ol' preggers over here :) It was so fun, we went to Hood River and explored their downtown area, went out to dinner at a delicious restaurant, and ended the weekend with a hike at Horse tail falls. I'm so excited to see my dear friend all dressed up for her wedding, she will make one beautiful bride!

Friday, August 1, 2014

15 weeks and a whole lot of acne

I've been lazy this week for blogging. In my defense, we've been really busy with life, as usual. But I managed to get a belly picture in and develop a crap ton of zits. My chin looks like I have a skin disease and my nose looks like a dart board. Pregnancy is very humbling and I'm only 15 weeks (almost 16 now) weeks in. You aren't able to exercise as strenuously as you did (or kind of did, in my case), you're constantly being told "don't pick up heavy things" or "keep your heart rate below 140!" all while you continue to see your lovely lady lumps become more....vo-LUMP-tuous. But, you're harboring a small growing child in your womb. IN YOUR WOMB! I am never alone- that is one crazy, amazing, fantastic feeling.
My clothes are quite a bit tighter now. There are two pairs of pants that do not go on without belly bands and I feel like no matter what I wear now, I have a healthy muffin top. I can tell that I have a belly now, it's pretty exciting :) My cravings haven't been very extreme this week- I did stop by Sheri's the other day for a milk myself. No shame here- it was probably one of the better decisions I made that week. I sat peacefully with my delicious, fattening, chocolate milkshake in the booth at Sheri's while reading a book. Totally content. 
On another note- we move into our new apartment in exactly one week. OHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH.