Sunday, June 22, 2014

Week 10

Baby Armstrong is the size of a prune now! It's grown a half an inch since this time last week. The little booger can do somersaults now, so that's neat. This week was pretty good as far as sickness goes. 5 out of the 7 days I didn't feel like a walking, slowly functioning zombie, so that's good. Nausea is getting better- still hits every now and again- without any signs that it's coming on, just BOOM. I'm getting headaches like a mad woman. I hate taking medications, I always have. I've been trying to utilize peppermint oil to relax the muscles around my head and do some yoga- both have been pretty effective, except for Friday. Ohhh Friday. I popped Tums and tylenol like it was jooooob (all within safe ranges, mind you.) All in all, things haven't changed a whole lot body wise, I can feel a little belly pop but nothing that is really noticeable.

The baby did get a new respect for mama's dance moves last night at our friend's wedding. We were bustin' moves left and right. We are so thankful to have met some pretty amazing friends up here in Portland.


  1. Hey guuurl! So great seeing you and Lance the other night! I can't believe I didn't say congratulations in person, but what a wonderful and special time in your life... I couldn't be happier for you and Lance! Love your posts, it gives great insight into the world of an expecting mother! Your writing is humorous, and I can feel your excitement through your words. Can't wait to see the life of little baby Armstrong unfold. Love you, Kayla!

    1. Oh Andrea you are so sweet!! It was so wonderful running into you the other night! Thank you so much for the sweet words. I'm so excited for this new chapter in our life. Also, I'm so excited for your next big adventures! Thank goodness for social media so we can still stay in touch even from afar! Love you, Andi!! Good luck on these big life adventures, you're going to be amazing :)
