Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stuck between a book and a hard place.

Oh, dead week. My first term at college I thought that it was such an odd name for a week, then I experience the infamous dead week and suddenly I had a great understanding as to why they call it DEAD WEEK. And now that I am going into my 6th DEAD WEEK I find that dead week should be better described as, "I'm going to take everything away from you, including, but not limited to, sleep, food (substantial amounts anyways), your sanity, oh and sleep, Week." I feel that's reasonable enough. It never fails, during this week I have reoccurring stress dreams that I'm late for my last lecture, or for a final, or that I haven't turned something in on time. Then I wake up and realize I have about twenty minutes before my alarm would in fact be yelling at me to get up and do all of these things. But what are you going to do? Just laugh at how crazy my brain reacts to stress. It's quite humorous after all.
Last night Lance and I sat down for some quality time, however, it was not with one another, it was in fact with a stack of books, potential final drafts of papers, and statistic lessons a mile long. I am so lucky to have him to help me through this. He makes me laugh when I can't see straight because I have been staring at a computer screen for 9 hours. For example, last night I fell asleep on my book, face first, nose in binding, and he whistles, which wakes me up slightly but I ignore it because...well I'm tired!, then he whistles again, and finally he whistles really loud, I sit up and he looks at me and says.."got ya! lets go to bed"
At the end of the day this is what I get to come home to

pure happiness and my best friend. Mushy, mushy, blah, blah, blah, I know. But he's what motivates me to keep going through all of this school, knowing that our hard work will eventually pay off just as it should :)
There is an end in sight to our long nights of monotonous studying tactics. Our future summer plans look bright, I'm just hoping that after finals I don't sleep through these wonderful plans.
Our two biggest trips this summer are Shasta in June!! and then Arizona in August :) Oh it will be fantastic to get to soak up allll of that sun. I should probably stop procrastinating now, considering how I just ranted about DEAD WEEK.

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