Monday, June 27, 2011

Shasta, Number 2!

We began our journey to Shasta on Saturday morning. Let's just say the weather in Corvallis and Albany was easy to leave behind....60 and drizzling...not my idea of summer. We left early from Lance's dad's house with Brian, Lindsey, and Bria. We stopped a couple times along the way for potty breaks, lunch, and the...juice expo..But when we finally got into Shasta the weather was warm, the rain was gone and we were finally enjoying some Vitamin D.
We went out on the boat the first night because we were all so anxious. Lance tried slalom skiing which is skiing with only one ski. He is a natural water sport athlete. He got up on the first try and kicked some butt.

The next day to the day we left were roughly the same. Which none of us were complaining about. We all woke up, usually pretty early because when the sun's up, we're up, can't miss a minute of that precious sun that we so desperately need here in Oregon. I'm tired of getting jipped on sun, but we'll save that for another blog.
It was so much fun getting to spend time with the Holcomb's. Since they live in Hilsboro we rarely get to see them anymore. But lots of funny inside jokes were created this time around, and Lance was here to share them :) I was lucky enough to get to hold Bria while we ventured to where we would dock every day with the other boats. I played it real cool, like, "Oh here Linds, I can take her off your hands for you! It's no problem at all, you go sit by Brian and relax." When really in my head I was thinking, "please let me hold, sleepy, cuddley, Bria." Success.
Another success that I had was wake surfing. I had tried it out last summer behind Alicia and Randy's boat and the summer before but was still somewhat skeptical on my skills. One of the families had a boat specifically for wake surfing and it was sooo much fun! I was able to get up a lot easier and actually got to the point where I was "surfing" not just holding on to a rope and riding a wake. Lance, however, is goofy footed and this boat was set up for the opposite. But he rode goofy footed and even let go of the rope. I know, I know, I'm a lucky girl to have such a stud for a fiance :)I only got burnt 1 1/2 times, thank goodness for burn to brown :)
I can't wait for next year...if we end up having a summer?

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