Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Study, Work, Pack, Repeat.

In 10 short days we will be :)The always beautiful Shasta Lake.

Lance's family goes every summer and he hasn't been able to go the past four years because of: leg injuries, boot camp, deployment, etc. SO! this is his first year back and we are both so excited. I went for my very first time last year with his family while he was away, and I am so excited that he will be here this year.

So far my finals have not killed me. So that's a big bonus. I can't say the same for Lance...haha. The poor guy met up with Court and I after a long 8 hour shift to study.
I've done surprisingly well on two of my finals. That was a pleasant surprise. I received my highest score, ever, on a college paper for my final portfolio. I was ecstatic. Judging by the fact that Lance, Courtney, and I have been in the library for the past week straight, averaging about 6+ hours per trip, I would expect that we will have done nothing but well on all of ours. Lance and I are both done today and then it's time to relax....before we never have long summer breaks again...weird.

Last night we took a break from studying and started packing up this little hut of an apartment. Though cozy, and farther out than we would have liked, it was a place we called home and it's sad to leave it behind. Especially since Courtney's moving back home and then off with Austin. I'm so happy for her, she's waited so long for Austin and it's a tough job, but she's done it so well and without ever second guessing it. It takes a strong couple to do what they've done (I know because we did it...haha just kidding). Anyways, the point to this story is that Lance and I just got approved for our very first apartment together, just the two of us :)And I really really hope that we stay here until we graduate..ha. Moving day is Friday, I couldn't be more excited. I think I could use some sleep before then though, I keep looking for the jelly in the cupboard and putting the cereal in the fridge after I remember we don't have any milk.

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