Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Back again, with even better news!

I got so wrapped up in Lance's homecoming that I put off my small structure of life that I call a blog. BUT SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!
1.) The most exciting that I had originally blogged about in the first place was Lance's homecoming! He came home on February 28th around 1PM. The whole family and I piled our cars and caravan-ed to Eugene with our patriotic colors and balloons in hand. There was no better feeling than seeing him walk down the stairs and have him back with all of us again. We cried, we laughed, and we all took deep sighs of relief that he was finally home safe.
2.) Following the much awaited homecoming Lance and I went on a trip to Seattle for a little get away. We had a wonderful weekend and went to the Space Needle for our last night there. After we spent a fortune on dinner we went out onto the observation deck, right over the Puget Sound, just as the sun was starting to set and to my right I see Lance get down on one knee and there he was, asking me to be his wife. Upon saying "oh my goodness, yes of course!" I removed my hands from my dress, which was preventing it from blowing in the wild wind gusts, and proceeded to pull a Marilyn Monroe...revealing my backside to the innocent bystanders. It was absolutely perfect, however.
3.) I am currently drawing a blank on what my last very big exciting thing is...because after Seattle Lance and I both went back to school and have been drowning in school work ever since. However, we have big things to look forward to in the near future and I intend to track them all along the way :)
A new apartment in the next couple of weeks, dress shopping for the upcoming wedding!, and many more fun summer adventures.

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