Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Weekend of Celebration.

Friday night was so relaxing. Courtney finished her finals that morning so we were both able to CLEANNNN this apartment. The only tough part about having a small apartment is that one towel on the floor, a couple dishes in the sink, and books on the table looks like a tornado hit. So now we had a pleasantly clean apartment. Following that we went to Kyle and Jenny's and had delicious salmon made my Jenny and watched Chase all night long. It was exactly what I needed to relax for the evening. The next day was our Annual Christmas party for work and we had a Bunco competition and a White Elephant exchange. I walked away with 5 losses, 1 win and a candle for biggest loser in Bunco, as well as 3 sets of cool glasses, that I desperately needed for our apartment. We all wore our ugly sweaters..I was rather proud of mine. It was a blue snowflake turtle neck under a blue sweater that said "Grand Children are the Spice of Life". Needless to say we all arrived in style. Tonight is our house warming fiesta! After work we are having all of the girls from work, some of Court's Roseburg friends, and some of my high school friends come over and help us warm our new home. Wooo. At the beginning of next we will be half way through December! Which means that there is only 8 more weeks until Lance leaves. Holy moley...I cannot waiiiit. We're planning a really fun trip for Spring Break when he gets back and I cannot wait. Planning things definitely helps the time go by faster. Two more weeks of work and then it's time for some Christmas shindigs. 4 Christmases here I come!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla how have I never read your blog before? I love it and we made some pretty great memories in december! Doesn't feel like five months ago!! :) LOVE YOU
