Friday, November 26, 2010

One More Down!

My Birthday: Check
School Starting: Done
Halloween: Finished
Thanksgiving: Dooowwwnnn!

Thanksgiving was great and made me realize again just how many things I have to be thankful for. I am thankful to have a brave, strong, loving boyfriend who is so much closer to coming home and for my family who are my unconditionally loving support system. This holiday season is definitely a lot different than last year. It's not the same without Lance that's for sure. I was trying to figure out how I could send him a turkey in a care package...but the amount of salt I would have to add to that thing so that it wouldn't parish by the time it got to him...would make it absolutely repulsive to even smell. So I compromised on cookies, cough drops, and cinnamon toast crunch :) My Uncle Tony, Aunt Stacy, and their two kids Addyson and Tyler came down from Washington to spend the weekend with us at my mom's house where we spent Thanksgiving. My mom and dad made a DELICIOUS turkey dinner and my mom sent me home with plenty of left overs. My uncle Tony is in the Army so it was really cool to talk to him about his deployment and talk to my Aunt Stacy about how she dealt with it. The conclusion we came to was basically keep your head up and everything will be just fine. He's so close to being home I just wish it was so much closer. The Friday after Thanksgiving I went to visit Steve, Anna, and the girls and we made Gingerbread sleighs and Christmas cookies. I am counting down the days until this term is over so that I can go visit everyone more often. 2 weeks and counting until its over. My goal is to do very well on my finals so that I never have to take Sociology again. Fingers and toes crossed. Court and I just decorated for Christmas! Though it was a little premature it made studying for finals much more enjoyable. December 1st is just around the corner and when finals are over then comes Christmas. We're getting through. Here I come finals week.

1 comment:

  1. It finally feels like he'll be home soon instead of it being months away! I feel so bad he has to spend the Holidays over there it makes me want to cry. Hopefully he feels how much we are thinking about him and miss him. He's in our prayers every night.
    I know you'll do great on your finals hun, you're a smart cookie :)
