Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Moving Day.

Although stressful and tedious I could not be more happier that moving day is finally here! We signed all of our paperwork and got our new keys to our new home/apartment :) We started loading everything up and getting the show on the road. The apartment is cute, it's upstairs so the big stuff is going to be a pain. We have a sauna, a hot tub, A RACQUETBALL COURT?! It will be very nice to have a place to call home and to not have to drive so much! I swear every time I leave a minute later than normal from Albany to get to school I get stuck behind every semi-truck, tractor, farming combine known to man. Luckily for me I tend to over estimate how much time I will need to get to places, but it still would stress me out. HOWEVER! now I can ride my bike to school and to work! there isn't typically semi-trucks takin' up the bike lane woop woop! Two more weeks until Thanksgiving is here and then there is another milestone down. I am so excited to put Lance's clothes back in our will be more like he's on a stubborn business trip rather than being so far away. And it will take plenty of time to get settled in which will keep me very preoccupied.
February is just around the corner. But can get here a lot sooner and I wouldn't mind :)

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