Monday, November 22, 2010

Snow in November?

Up on top of our little Witham Hill there are a few white flakes draping themselves along our cars and stairways. I worry slightly for when it gets icy...Court and I may have to car pool because I don't know if I want her to drive down our hill in her Carolla...Regardless we will make it to school and work..even if we have to walk 15 miles up hill both ways in the snow :)(it's not really that far away..) Anyways. This week is Thanksgiving week! Only 3 days of school...four days of work...and 3 more weeks of studying! I already registered for my classes for Winter term and I took everyone's advice as well as my knowledge of how...challenging this term was and I am only taking 13 credits. I don't want to over load myself again, especially since Lance will be home!!!! He is so close to being home that I keep thinking if I close my eyes juuuust long will magically be that time. So far I have yet to wake up in February...still a work in progress. We discovered that each individual room in our apartment has a heater so if we just turn on our heater in the living room it does NOT heat the rest of the house. In order to not pay $9823479238 for our heat bill we have resorted to the following: beanies, several pairs of sweat pants, sweatshirts, multiple blankets, several pairs of socks, and a cocoon of pillows. So far so good :)

1 comment:

  1. I soooo remember bundling up in the winter to avoid a high heating bill!
    So I'm guessing you want a Beaver snuggie for xmas? ;)
