Saturday, October 30, 2010

Milestone # 3- CHECK

Milestone One: My birthday- complete
Milestone Two: School starts- done
Milestone Three: Halloween- finished

Three down and only four more to go
Milestone Four: Thanksgiving
Milestone Five: Christmas
Milestone Six: Jenny and Kyle's birthday's
Milestone Seven: FEBRUARY 28TH HE'S HEADIN HOME!!!

As the days tick by I'm finding many many ways to keep myself preoccupied. I'm overloaded with school and a good way.
Still staying very busy with my classes especially around mid term time. I have two more mid terms to go and then it's the final stretch of the term before Winter Break.
We move into our new apartment in the next week-ish which will be a great way to keep myself if I didn't have enough going on right now. But I love it. I'm working, slowly but surely, on better stress management. I cannot change things that are out of my control. ALSO I cannot take on things that haven't even happened yet. My biggest lesson thus far is to breatheeeee.

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