Saturday, October 2, 2010

A New Season

Our second big milestone was the beginning of last week! My first day at OSU. It feels good to be a Beaver that's for sure. I love all of my classes. I'm taking Microbiology, Sociology, Math, Human Sexuality, and Lifetime Health and Fitness. I can't make any complaints about my schedule thus far. Monday was going great! It was sunny and beautiful and I had the day off. I was able to long board for the first time in so long...and sadly it was my last time for a while. I was scootin along after class on Monday and came to a four way intersection where I didn't have a stop sign and realized that the car who did was not going to stop. Me being the speed demon I am had to jump off of my board so that I didn't run into the side of this car. I made it out board however did not. The guy ran over my board...stopped long enough for me to gather it and say "Sorry" while driving away. Considering the fact that I am in fact perfectly fine and my classes are going well...I had a pretty good day. Now to find a new board. The week has been crazy trying to adjust to not only being back in school but also prioritizing my time with work. The Holcombs are packing up their little home and headin up North tomorrow afternoon. I'm so sad that I don't get to live with them anymore. I really was able to get so close with them and got to see Bria whenever I wanted which was a huge bonus ;) But now they're starting their brand new season in Portland and I get to live with the Tegners!!! That will be so fun! Jenny and I can study together all the time, huge bonus! I am so blessed to have been able to spend so much time with Lance's family while he's been away. It makes time go just a little bit faster and makes him seem not so far away for all of us. We're just shy of 3 months down...thank goodness! I am misssing him like crazy, but school is helping to keep me busy.
Tailgater number two was today! It was a good day to be a Beaver, the weather was beautiful and we had a great win over ASU. Woo!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously can't tell you enough how much I miss living with you! Watching tv, drinking wine, chatting...those were the days :)
    Bria says, "Lu you Kayta."
