Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goals, Milestones, and Recipes.

Goal (n)- the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve.
My goals for the next month. (Sept.22nd-Oct.22nd)
-NO procrastination. Judging by how busy I am wanting to keep myself I don't think I will even think about procrastinating. But still....NONE of it.
-All A's and a B in Microbio. I'm saying a B so if/when I get an A I will be pleasantly surprised.
-Invent a teleportation device to go pick up Lance in so he can come home earlier. All things considered I think it's worth a try. This may be an extended goal...

A milestone is a scheduled event signifying the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverable.
1. Aug. 30th. My birthday. COMPLETE.
2. Sept. 27th. School starts.
3. Oct. 31st. Halloween
4. Nov.25th. Thanksgiving.
5. Dec. 25th. Christmas.
6. Jan. 18th. Jenny's Birthday

So to pass a little bit of time before school starts I've been looking up recipes and making a recipe book. This book will be filled with delicious/budget friendly/ as healthy as it can be considering we're college student recipes. My goal is to have it done and stored away by February in our new apartment...that I will have hopefully found... :)
Last Saturday the 18th I went to my very first OSU football tailgater and football game. It rained...a lot. But we won and the experience was great, I can't wait for more :)

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