Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 Months Down!

Well we now have two months over seas under our belts. Only five more to go. Which may sound like a lot, but seven sounds like even more. School is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. All I want is to stay busy...very busy. I've done my best with that at work but only having one thing to preoccupy your time isn't always successful. Lets see here, what have I been up to.. Well we found out the other day that Lance will be leaving to head back to the states Feb. 28th. Though I would prefer Sept. 28th at least we now have an end in sight. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. Going round two of college without him isn't as fun, but he's so supportive that my busy 17 credit term will be so much easier. I went to my friend's wedding last night, which was crazy. I swear it was just a week ago that she was running down the halls of West Albany in a blue and gold onesie with a spirit cape on.. and now she's married. But she was a BEAUTIFUL bride! Her and her husband were gloooowing they looked amazing and I couldn't be happier for her. Reality check set in after that though that I have been out of high school for almost two years? whhhaaat. That's weird too. I need to start running more because my high school metabolism will fail here sooner than later. I've made a vow to myself to try to make a much more conscious effort to work out regularly now rather than just when I can't fit into a pair of jeans because I washed them at the wrong temp. Another reason why Lance needs to come home, he keeps me on my toes. Ahhh but February will be here before we know it. The weather is already starting to chill and the leafs will fall soon. Then we can look forward to freezing rain and Christmas! After that he's practically home. 2 more weeks until our second milestone is down. That leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Jenny and Kyle's birthday, and then FEBRUARY 28TH! Time to get myself preoccupied. Maybe I'll go for a run...maybe.

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