Wednesday, October 20, 2010

lost in translation?

With the start of school and then juggling work I've had zero time to do much but stare at my microbiology book and make delicious coffee drinks. So far my classes aren't too bad...i actually really enjoy my microbiology class...even if I didn't do so hot on the mid term. Courtney brought up a good point that in 80 years i wont remember this mid term...but for now...I'm worrying about it. As far as milestones go school has started and Halloween is JUST around the corner. That will only leave Thanksgiving, Christmas, Jenny and Kyle's birthday and thennnn he leaves for home! Hollllly moley that day couldn't get here soon enough..and i know i don't just speak for myself when I'm saying that either. I've switched my monthly projects around a little October goal was to find a new toaster. Our old toaster wouldn't toast unless you held down the lever...the whooole time. But the toaster is going to have to wait until next month because this month we found an apartment!! Yes moving in November 10th into our new apartment. I've spent a lot of time in Corvallis lately anyways because I work Tuesday at 6:30 and then have class until 6:30 and then I'm back to class Wednesday at 8 am and then work until 8 that night and then Thursday i work at 6:30 and have class until 6:30. So those days are long but they make the week go by faster. I've been living with Jenny and Kyle even though I'm probably the most sporadic roommate they've ever seen ha. I am so appreciative of them and excited that i get to spend some extra time with them. well i guess i'll get back to studying now.
But i might take a nap...we'll see :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember stressing over bad mid-term grades. But they are inevitable every once and awhile, it doesn't mean you are a bad student.
    I love that it's getting closer and closer to Lance coming home. I meant to send you an email letter for him to put in the car package, but we had a hectic weekend so I facebooked him a letter.
    I think about you lots and totally miss you roomy, I'm so glad you lived with us. Keep chugging along babe, can't wait to see you!!!!
