Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Short and Sweet

Our sweet Ames is a couple days shy of 4 months old (chronological) he's 7 weeks adjusted age. He is incredibly fun right now. In between his fits of undescribed anger, he is SO happy.
When we click our tongue, sing to him, and especially when we laugh, he grins ear to ear. He coos and squeals. Oh it's the best. It's been hard leaving him every day. The first few days weren't terrible but as we go it's getting a little harder. 
We are getting into a bed time routine and it includes rocking him. This has become my favorite part of the night. Even though I miss him when he sleeps, nothing beats holding him as he snuggles  up. The little noises of him breathing, sucking on his binky. He's getting longer and almost doesn't fit lengthwise in our rocking chair. While we have our hard days, they're minimized by our ever wonderful and happy days 😊

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