Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Oh my heart

Yesterday was my first day back to work. I was offered a job I really couldn't refuse at Oregon Cascade West Council of Governments. I'm their new intake case manager. It was a $5 raise from what I had been making, phenomenal benefits, and it's here in Albany. It also helps that it is doing exactly what I've wanted/aspired to do for the past year. 
Flip side to all of this wonderful-ness in the work place...I left Ames for more than just a couple hours for the first time since the NICU. I did better than I thought I would, I think mostly because he's with family. I only cried on my way to work and then got it together. 

We are so fortunate to have family so close by. He's being watched by a combination of his aunt Melina, aunt Kim, aunt Jenny, his Oma, and other willing family as needed. It's a huge relief knowing that he is in loving and caring hands. 

Right now, he's fast asleep on my chest and it is a surreal moment. He's done this hundreds of times before. This time, however, I have to savor for another 3 minutes before I'm forced to get ready for another day. 

My dear friend and hairstylist (Roxie at Happy hollow in corvallis, seriously guys- check her out!!) gave me some of the best advice I have been given. She said "even though you can't be with him all the time, be intentional and spend your time interacting with him." This makes every minute with him so incredibly special. I'm soaking up every tiny breath that lands on my chest and every little twitch that reminds me of his father. 

So while this is so tough to do I have a wonderful baby who makes coming home the most exciting part of my day. 

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