Sunday, March 22, 2015

Last to Bed

Our bedtime routine, while effective, can be a bit daunting. There are so many moving parts that we encounter. Between prepping for the next day and getting Ames and ourselves ready for bed- it's madness. We prepare for the next day in hopes of having 5 extra minutes to change our second spit up covered shirt before running out the door to work. Sometimes that luxury doesn't exist and your very polite coworker points out that "you have some white gunk on your back" I hear that is a right of passage into the cool parent club. Hola! 

But honestly, it seems like our bedtime routine starts right after dinner. 

Left overs are the building blocks of lunch. 
Throw little man into the Moby and a leash on Sage- out we go on a walk. 
Once home again it's bath time. One of us starts the bath while the other cleans the explosion that is our downstairs and preps bottles for the day. 

Then we get Ames dressed and we read a couple books while Ames lays on the floor punching or kicking one of us vigorously. 

Then I nurse Ames while lance gets his
clothes and what not ready for the next day and gets ready for bed. 

By the time he's done nursing we burp and rock and then I put him down to sleep. 

Well, I have to care for myself. Brush teeth, wash face, pee, ya know- normal stuff. And by that point I'm about to crawl into bed. My husband is adorable, you can tell that he tried very hard to stay awake for a kiss goodnight, but some nights you're just exhausted. So I lay down, thinking about the next day and everything we needed to do and hopefully remembered to do and the once noise filled house is now silent. 

Its a pretty peaceful time, actually. Those 15 minutes I have to myself to think before falling asleep are pretty relaxing. I was blessed with one heck of a husband and son- that's a lot to think about before bed ;)

Ames is just shy of 5 months old. This kiddo is ADORABLE. He is smiling, cooing, rolling from tummy to back, sleeping 5 hours at a time at night, and recognizing faces. He loves playing on the ground and cuddling before bed. He enjoys sitting up in the Bumbo for a little bit at a time and LOVES bath time. He's so interested in the world. I love to watch him sit and think. He's over 11lbs and 21in and has so many rolls. We are smitten to say the least 😍

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