Monday, March 9, 2015

Ames- 4 months.

Oh man, what a wild ride this has been. It brings tears to my eyes thinking about how far he has come. After his 4 months of life, he has more than tripled his birth weight. The picture above compares 2 months to now. 

He is so much fun right now:
He loves to talk. 
Lay on the floor (back or tummy)
BEING OUTSIDE!! Going on walks, going to the store, in the Moby, in the stroller, sitting in our back porch, if we are outside he's happy for a long time. 
He loves smiling. Especially when daddy plays with him. 
He is recognizing familiar faces and smiles to let us know it. 
He does NOT like his feet tickled. We learned that the hard way
He loves sitting up- we recently found he likes the Bumbo 
He loves to snuggle when he's tired and he is only waking us up 2-3 times a night. 
Parenthood is no joke. It's incredibly tiring as you and your partner are trying so desperately to please this child so you can experience just a few minutes of shut eye. But even in the sleepiest of hours, Ames will stop crying, make a very deadpan face, go a little crosseyed and then start smiling and cooing. Most of the time a giant blow out or toot follows, but we'll take what we can get 😊
Sometimes I feel like my house is a circus. Other times I wonder how I am going to function on the 5 hours of broken sleep I just got and magically I do. So apparently I'm a little stronger than I think. 
When Ames was born I knew I wanted to make some fitness and eating lifestyle changes. The doctor who delivered him talked about how important my health was in order for Ames to maintain his health. We were already eating pretty well but I didn't have a workout routine. Lance has been doing crossfit for a little over a year now and I finally drank the Kool-Aid. I've been doing it a little over a month and I have lots 5lbs and gained so much strength. I'm so glad he talked me into trying it and I'm so thrilled that we are making our lifestyle change now. Our little guy had a rough entry into the world but he's tough. He's a fighter. I want to show him that his mama and daddy are too 😊

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