Sunday, July 20, 2014

Who stays up past 7PM anyways?

I miss coffee....and judging by my bedtime track record last week, I could use it. The plus side is that I don't feel as though my days cannot go on without it- but boy I miss sipping on that first thing in the morning and just feeling AWAKE by noon. Our sweet little baby, who is now the size of a small apple, is so worth giving up my delicious 12 ounce cup of black coffee every day. Seriously though, the other night I fell asleep at 7PM! I played it off like I was just napping, but I was only up for about 45 minutes after my "nap" before I went to bed for the evening. Luckily, Lance has been pretty tired lately as well because he has had early days that are a little more strenuous, so he doesn't mind going to bed a little earlier :) I really think that I am slightly narcoleptic, I can sleep anywhere, anytime, no matter how loud the surroundings are. It's lovely haha.
Hello sweet baby! I can see you a little more this week!
All last week I just kept saying "I cannot wait to feel pregnant" or "why am I not showing yet?" I know that when I hit 20 weeks on I'm going to want to sucker punch my 14 week self for wanting to be that big. But I haven't seen our little one since it was a tiny blueberry on a screen- so it's the only way that I feel I know that things are cooking in there. The first and beginning of the second trimester can be hard, I don't know if other first time mamas have felt the same way, but just incase there are other mamas out there reading this who have been in this spot, I'll share my experience. 
The first trimester I was pretty nauseous. I had a routine of a lot of water, light foods; toast, plain proteins, and potatoes and I could only eat in small portions of each. Even if I stuck to that routine religiously, I still would constantly feel nauseous in one way or another. At my 11 week check up, I found that I had actually lost 7lbs. 
Fast forward to the beginning of my second trimester and the fog lifts! It's like magic. I have energy again and I can eat normal foods (for the most part- some foods still set me off). But I sit there and rub my belly, like a magic lamp, hoping that if I wish really hard, a tiny bump will pop out. While I can feel small changes going on, I'm walking the line of "did she just eat a little of everything from taco bell or is she pregnant?" Reality: I most likely did eat a little bit of everything from taco bell and I am in fact pregnant. Take that imaginary bystanders. 
Moral of this long story, I'm so excited to start feeling more progress of this little, beautiful life that we have created. I guess I can be a little impatient and I need to enjoy this time. I'm still able to sleep comfortably for the most part, I'm not waddling when I walk, and I haven't had to pee too often in the middle of the night. Therefore, I will continue to embrace my pseudo narcolepsy and my appetite of a 7 foot, 300 pound, linebacker :) 

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