Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Reality of Second Breakfast..

I'm 13 weeks as of Sunday and last week, my entire life was centered around food. Let me lay it out for you:
  • Wake up at 6am- drink a crap ton of water-proceed to get ready for the day
  • Eat breakfast at 6:30am- cereal, or toast, or bacon, or eggs, sometimes all of those things at once. 
  • In the car driving to work by 7:15 and by 7:30- You bet yourself I've opened up my granola bar and it's getting me through my drive
  • Arrive at work by 8:00- by 10:00 all fruit in my lunch has been consumed (does this make it 3rd breakfast?)
  • By 12:30 (actual lunch time) I've eaten my sandwich- let's be honest- sandwich(s) and another granola bar
  • And I'm tided over until dinner by assorted trail mixes/peanuts/etc.
You get my point. I'm ALWAYS EATING. But I haven't gotten headaches or any nausea since this trend...so that's wonderful!
Still no bump that is noticeable to others. I can definitely feel something there. Normally when I sit down in skirts my tummy doesn't touch my legs....I can feel it poking out a little more these days :) It makes me so happy! Only two more weeks until we hopefully get another ultrasound and can see the little cutie pie in there. I get more and more excited every time I think about it :)

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