Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bye, Bye Headaches, Hello Heartbeat!

It is very possible that the wittle bitty bump I'm seeing is from the pan of brownies I ate over the weekend...but for now I'll say "hello tiny baby :)"

Last week was....amazing. We had our 11 week appointment and we were able to hear the heartbeat! Since Lance had just started his internship he wasn't able to get the time off, since this one was in Corvallis, but my mom went with me and she loved the experience. We were able to record it so that Lance could experience the magic as well :) it took her a little bit to find little baby Armstrong's heartbeat but she finally did and it is music to your ears. It's amazing how fast it beats! 160 BPM...must mean lil jelly is in there workin on it's fitness. Oh it was wonderful. So wonderful :) I'm about 1000X more sappy than I usually am- which is saying a lot because anyone who knows me well knows that I'm a cheesey, sappy, individual haha. Just today a commercial came on for "Planes. Fire Rescue" and I started to get teary eyed thinking about Lance sitting with our little bean and watching kids movies. Yeahhhh. Cheesey ball of sappy-ness. Thankfully Mr. Armstrong understands :)

My energy level has been incredibly high, well...higher than in prior weeks. I mean, waking up without a headache and with motivation to do my hair 3 days out of 5? I'd say that's a winning week. Well, I don't like washing my hair everyday, therefore on the days I don't wash it- I'm forced to do something with it- I suppose you can call that the source of my motivation. I mean really though, I managed to stay up until 9:30 or 10:00 every night without a fight! Some wise women in my life have told me "sleep now while you can!" And this 4th of July weekend, I listened to them and have napped every single day. Heavennnn. I'm not nearly as food sensitive as I was in previous weeks. It is, however, CRUCIAL that I eat before I get hungry. Otherwise- headache, sweats, "hangry mode", stomachache for the next hour. While this isn't too different from what I would experience prior to pregnancy, the symptoms are magnified extensively.
Luckily, food was not in shortage at our 4th of July BBQ with our friends this weekend. I do not remember the last time that I ate that much. So. Much. Good. Food. And we were lucky to have amazing company. I've said it a million times, but we've got some great friends up here, that's for sure!
Our layout
Family Picture :)

Sage, sitting pretty for food. Our pretty girl
This one makes me laugh every time.

In other big news, we have found an apartment to move into in August in Tualatin. It's a two bedroom, two bathroom little bungalow that I am so excited to start nesting in. We signed the lease on Saturday and I'm so excited to get in there. 

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