Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Goals, Milestones, and Recipes.

Goal (n)- the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve.
My goals for the next month. (Sept.22nd-Oct.22nd)
-NO procrastination. Judging by how busy I am wanting to keep myself I don't think I will even think about procrastinating. But still....NONE of it.
-All A's and a B in Microbio. I'm saying a B so if/when I get an A I will be pleasantly surprised.
-Invent a teleportation device to go pick up Lance in so he can come home earlier. All things considered I think it's worth a try. This may be an extended goal...

A milestone is a scheduled event signifying the completion of a major deliverable or a set of related deliverable.
1. Aug. 30th. My birthday. COMPLETE.
2. Sept. 27th. School starts.
3. Oct. 31st. Halloween
4. Nov.25th. Thanksgiving.
5. Dec. 25th. Christmas.
6. Jan. 18th. Jenny's Birthday

So to pass a little bit of time before school starts I've been looking up recipes and making a recipe book. This book will be filled with delicious/budget friendly/ as healthy as it can be considering we're college student recipes. My goal is to have it done and stored away by February in our new apartment...that I will have hopefully found... :)
Last Saturday the 18th I went to my very first OSU football tailgater and football game. It rained...a lot. But we won and the experience was great, I can't wait for more :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 Months Down!

Well we now have two months over seas under our belts. Only five more to go. Which may sound like a lot, but seven sounds like even more. School is just around the corner and I couldn't be more excited. All I want is to stay busy...very busy. I've done my best with that at work but only having one thing to preoccupy your time isn't always successful. Lets see here, what have I been up to.. Well we found out the other day that Lance will be leaving to head back to the states Feb. 28th. Though I would prefer Sept. 28th at least we now have an end in sight. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. Going round two of college without him isn't as fun, but he's so supportive that my busy 17 credit term will be so much easier. I went to my friend's wedding last night, which was crazy. I swear it was just a week ago that she was running down the halls of West Albany in a blue and gold onesie with a spirit cape on.. and now she's married. But she was a BEAUTIFUL bride! Her and her husband were gloooowing they looked amazing and I couldn't be happier for her. Reality check set in after that though that I have been out of high school for almost two years? whhhaaat. That's weird too. I need to start running more because my high school metabolism will fail here sooner than later. I've made a vow to myself to try to make a much more conscious effort to work out regularly now rather than just when I can't fit into a pair of jeans because I washed them at the wrong temp. Another reason why Lance needs to come home, he keeps me on my toes. Ahhh but February will be here before we know it. The weather is already starting to chill and the leafs will fall soon. Then we can look forward to freezing rain and Christmas! After that he's practically home. 2 more weeks until our second milestone is down. That leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Jenny and Kyle's birthday, and then FEBRUARY 28TH! Time to get myself preoccupied. Maybe I'll go for a run...maybe.

Monday, September 6, 2010

but the hammer couldn't take ibuprofen..cause he's a hammer!

Today was my first day back to work after my long weekend, always good to keep the mind busy even if it is at 5:00 in the morning. But in this case it was much earlier than was 12:40 if we want to be exact. Yes, just when i thought my weird sleeping habits couldn't get any weirder...I was proven wrong. I woke up at midnight jumped in the shower to start getting ready for my day a whoppin 5 hours before i needed to. Maybe my weekend wasn't long enough? Sleep deprived and busy at work I was eager to hear from Lance because he's so good at making my day a million times better. And what do you know he most certainly did. It's always so good to hear from him, to joke with him, to hear that he's just doing alright and to talk about all of our big plans for when he gets home. Planning makes the days go by a little bit faster because I find myself thinking about the plans and getting more and more details about them and more and more excited (which i didn't know was possible) about him coming home. Tomorrow Court is going with me to get my very first BEAVER football ticket! Can't wait for school to start. If only it was spring term hmmmm.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

5 days off?!

Surprisingly I kept myself more busy on my days off than I did during my 8 day work week. There wasn't one day where I had much down time...until I slept.
Thursday: Lindsey and Bria left for Arizona, the house is just so different without them. After that Cassidy, Abby and myself loaded up the good ol' subaru and headed north to Salem for a fun day at the Gilbert House. We only had to turn around one time due to some direction issues, my bad. But we had a wonderful time we made dinosaur pictures and attempted to make bubbles around ourselves. We played on the wooden structures and went down the slides, it was like I was 8 all over again. It's always fun to let your inner child come out and the girls had fun as well. After the Gilbert House we went to lunch and finished our day at the Carousel. That night I went to Jenny and Kyle's for dinner and visiting. It's always good to have dinner with them because Jenny and I get to talk and talk and talk...we're so good at that :)
Friday: I went to Corvallis to get a costume with Court for my birthday party, which I might add was much funnier than one would expect. I followed this up with lunch with Jordan and then dinner with my dad, ending the evening with My Fair Lady at Hanna and Becca's with Court.
Saturday: Family trip to the state fair. Lots of fattening fair food that you only eat at the fair and then immediately regret it. Then after that regretful fair food we road ride after ride that unfortunately threw that regretful food around our stomachs even more. It was so fun to spend the day with my family. There was so many laughs and the weather was beautiful. Oh and word to the wise...when they tell you to pay $1 to see the AMAZING however hugely long alligator that is ALIVE! don't fall for it. It is definitely not alive.
Sunday:BIRTHDAY EVE! and the Freaks and Geeks party! So much fun. All of my greatest friends and I dressed in our craziest outfits and shared many many laughs while bringing in my last year as a teenager. To sum up the evening would be...dancing, laughing, and a couple more things ending in "ing"
Monday: The day of Birth. Probably one of the funniest mornings I've had in quite sometime. Except for the morning Lance and I had in New Orleans. After Becca, Hanna and myself gathered ourselves we went out for a lovely breakfast at the Broken Yolk. Though the weather wasn't ideal the company was indeed. Shortly after I received a phone call saying I had a flower delivery...They kinda blew the surprise but it was wonderful all in its own. Lance had sent me my favorite flowers for my birthday and it made my day 10000 times better than I could have ever asked for. After that Jenny treated me to a pedi and mani along with some great conversations as always. I ended the evening with dinner at my parents and that brought my birthday to the perfect end. They made me my favorite dinner and made me just so happy. I was greeted at my door with a beautiful card from Steve and Anna and the girls. The next day Alicia and I had a great dinner and an even better girl talk :)

I've always been able to count my blessings and realize how lucky I am to have these amazing people in my life. But after these five days off I realized just how wonderful the people around me are and I can't wait until Lance comes home so my little circle of friends and family is just perfect.
We're into September now and times going to fly...I can feel it.