Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Full Heart

I'll keep it short and sweet this eve. 

Our Wilde man said his first word today. I've never experienced such joy. it's amazing to watch him grow. 

He crawled around my feet all night while I made dinner and bopped while I sang the completely incorrect version of 78% of the songs that came on the children's pandora station. 

He looks at you so intently. Almost like he is trying to hard to figure you out and to also tell you how much he loves you. In those moments, I am alive. I give myself a hard time and joke about how stressful being a mom can be- I mean, it's not really a joke. It is stressful, but- these moments where you see your beautiful baby boy curled up in daddy's arms, chomping on the 3rd huge bottle in less than 4 hours, you realize how freaking amazing life and love and his appetite really is. 

I'm thankful for every scary, crazy, wild unknown that led us to the most constant and unconditional love I've ever had.  

This last year was....something else and I'm so thankful for it. 

Okay, mushy gushy-ness over. Here are some cute pictures 

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