Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hello, My Name is Cray-la

Ames turned 9 months old on the 9th. Just before that we were sent a survey in the mail that asked what developmental milestones our young padawon has accomplished. I had recently had one of my "oh eff it" moments just before this 3 page documents made its way into my hands. I had just said- he's healthy and happy and we're doing great! 
Then I started reading:
    Does your child somtimes, always, or not yet do the following...
      A. Pinch a cheerio with one finger and thumb. 
       Answer: no- he's too busy crawling around and smacking his head on nearby furniture to care about how the cheerio gets into his mouth. 
       B. Look for a toy after you have hidden it. 
       Answer: no- he looks at me as if to say "well that was kind of rude...but I'll move on" and literally moves on to swan dive into the dog water. 
      C. Attempt to grab a cheerio that you have placed inside a water bottle while standing on one leg and playing the violine with the other hand. 

Okay, that may have been a little exaggerated. But by this point in survey I'm stressing out. It's Saturday and I'm trying to figure out how much I can binge teach my kid before his 9 month appointment on Tuesday. Accompanying my boot camp lesson plan is an entire list of "am I doing something wrong?" Or "I really need to be home more, why do I have to be a working mom?!" 

Lance is napping on the couch and wakes up to his crazy wife crawling on the floor with our kiddo, flailing my arms around, shoving water bottles with Cheerios in his face, trying to get him to share toys with me without being asked and pick up small objects as if he had the fine moto skills of a grown adult. I must of said his name 80 times. I felt like Stewart from Mad TV. 

By this time my charades have woke lance up and he's like " hey, babe. Whatcha doing?" And I broke down in tears. I felt so inadequate in that moment. Which is nonsense- but there's no talking any reason into Cray-la (she's my other personality that comes out when I'm stressed about mom stuff). 

I would like to take a moment of silence for all the mommies and daddies out there who have lost nights of sleep stressing over milestones and development hoo-hah- we all know we aren't getting those nights back so...that sucks. You're kiddos are wonderful no matter where they are at. 

Our little bundle is a hoot. He is SUCH a ham. He loves to entertain and is starting to only want to be held by mommy or daddy when he's tired or cranky
He's very eager to walk. He loves to hold your hands and walk around as long as you'll tolerate. He's a clapping machine. He even will clap when he's mad about something. It's kind of funny. He's babbling a lot, no Dadas or mamas yet but he has the sweetest little voice. For the most part he is a pretty independent player. He looks at a toy and bangs it on things and looks at it again and moves it I his hands. I love watching him think. 
He is still up once at night to eat but otherwise he is sleeping well! Now for some cute pictures :)

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great Kayla and Lance. He is a healthy, happy thriving little guy and i am sure the doc will say so too! Thanks for your honesty as i know so many moms have struggled through the same things...i was blessed to be overseas with no internet or mail from the pediatrician!! :D But, i still worried about similar of being a mom i guess! Love to all of you!
