Friday, December 4, 2015

One Whole Year

Our sweet baby boy is a whole entire year old. I think that I have started this post 13908098 times and I just haven't been able to finish it for many reasons. One being that the day of his birthday was an emotional roller coaster to say the least. I cried all of my make up off on the way to work and cried for most of the morning. It didn't help that we had an exceptionally difficult morning, what with Ames throwing holy terror fits and I was mad/sad/frustrated that I had to go to work on his birthday- especially after the arm wrestling battle we had all morning.

I sat and thought the entire day about how much our sweet little boy has accomplished in one short year. Of course every parent thinks the sun rises and sets with their child, I'm not exception, but damn I am proud of this kiddo. He's walking not even a month after his first birthday! He is almost 19 pounds and has got a BIG ol' noggin.

Let's check out the stats:

Ames Wilde Armstrong 11/9/2014

3lbs 4oz
16in long
11.5' head circumference
 Born at 30 weeks gestation
Spent 40 days in the NICU
2 days on the CPAP
Took his first full feed at 1 month old
Came home 10 days after that on December 19th 2014

Ames Wilde Armstrong
Has smiled since day ONE!
Stopped Nursing at 5 months- exclusively pumped until 7 months
Rolled over at 6 months
Inch worm crawling in the downward dog position at 7 months
EXTREMELY mobile and crawling /climbing at 8 months
Took his first steps at 9/10 months
Started Daycare at 10 months- They have had to rearrange/bolt things to the wall because of him
Able to do pull ups on any object (freezer drawer, changing table, etc.) at 10 months
Bottom teeth broke through at 10 months
First word was dada at 10 months
Walking at 12 months and some change and says mama, dada, dog, nana, baba, papa, etc.
Two top teeth broke through at 12 months!
Weighs just shy of 19 pounds, 27 1/2in long, and 27in noggin.
He has gained 16lbs since birth, grown 11inches, and his head circumference 
has increased by 16 inches!

Parenting is no joke. We have slept 8 hours about 5 times in the last year. Ames has a very unusual sleep pattern. I have learned my breaking point. I have learned Lance's breaking point. And I have learned how strong Lance and I are when the going gets tough. I commend him for his ability to calm me down when I am up in arms over milestones. I love him for the humor he brings to parenting, because if you don't laugh about the craziness that is parenting, then you will just plain go crazy. 
I am forever grateful for our "village" that has stood by us through thick and thin, reassured us that we are good parents and not losing our mind, and given us much needed date nights....even if we did spend those date nights talking about our kiddo. 

Ames' smile is contagious. He smiles at everyone and is such a fun, easy going, warm hearted sweet kid. He is all boy- he loves to play outside, go on walks, and laughs at the word toot. His mind never stops going, if there is a new toy, he spends so much time figuring out how it works. Every car toy, or toy with some sort of ability to move, he inspects it, moves with it, spins the wheels, and is intent on figuring the thing out. I love watching him learn. Recently he has started cuddling and he never used to cuddle, but in the last month, something has completely changed. He WALKS up to us now and hugs us, gives BIG open mouth kisses, and will lay his head on your shoulder for a maximum of 30 seconds! Lance holds the cuddling record of 4 minutes and 25 seconds. 

I am amazed by his intelligence every single day. I am thankful for his sweet heart and how he can teach me something new every single day. I thank my lucky stars every single day that Lance and I were chosen to be his parents. 

My sweet, sweet sisters and sister-in-laws- God bless them. I can't even keep track of how many time I have called them individually or texted them as a group, at my whits end, with my greasy grown out hair laying over my face, a crying baby in his crib upstairs, while I lay face down on the carpet, just asking them for reassurance that this phase ends and it all gets better. They came to my rescue with words of wisdom and encouragement to stand back up, wash my damn hair, and laugh at the fact that we have been up before the sun, every day for a year. They are a true blessing to us. 

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