Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Sleep Fighting Royal Rumble

Every day during nap time, Ames fights the smallest thought of sleep. He could be two fists deep in his eye balls and still fight falling and staying asleep until he's blue in the face. So far, naps are the worst...he is a cat napper, much liked self when I was a child apparently (so very sorry, mom). After 20 minutes, he's up again and won't go back to sleep for at least another hour and it's usually not a happy hour. 
One would think that since he has such small naps during the day that he would be exhausted at night....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 
Every night, without fail, he fights going down. We go through our usual bed time routine, lay him down while drowsy like everyone recommends, blah blah blah, and then for the next two hours we are up and down the stairs. He cries for 5 minutes, we put the binkie back in. He cries a little longer, we rock him and soothe him. He cries again, we beg and plead while rocking him and dancing and singing- this child has turned us into a freaking traveling circus! 

Then, by some miracle, we have gotten him to sleep. Naturally while exiting we do a tiny victory dance and PRAY that this time it sticks. That's what we are doing right now...I'm sitting next to Lance on the couch and neither of us are actually paying attention to the movie we are watching because we are afraid that our little bundle is going to start yelling at us again. 

Bedtime is the best/worst time of the day. When he actually stays asleep, it's the few hours that lance and I have to ourselves. If he doesn't...then we spend the last few hours before we go to bed running up and down the stairs like WWE wrestlers tagging each other in and out. 

All joking aside though, Ames is doing really well. He's SO MUCH FUN! Laughing, interactive, rolling, trying solids, trying to copy us. He is amazing. 

He's 6 months old and at our last therapy appointment they said he has fine motor skills and cognition of a 4 1/2 month old ( he's 4 months adjusted) and gross motor skills of a 6 month old! They still want h to gain more weight and grow longer. He's 14lbs and 24 inches long. So we are fortifying his bottles again with formula. The formula isn't a big deal since we have been supplementing ever since his appetite was more than I could keep up with the just exclusively breastfeeding. 
I think he's grown out of his "bathtub" haha

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