Friday, June 7, 2013

What's new with the Armstrongs?

Oh so many things are new with us. For starters we got a dog! She's a pouty little lab boxer that constantly holds us accountable for exercising, melts our heart with how cuddly she is, and has had nearly 10 vet visits in the short 7 months we have had her. I'm not exaggerating when I say 10 times. We were warned that the dog's first year is the most expensive because they get into everything. Well our dog is no acception to the rule. The vet, vet's nurse, receptionist, and other help around the office know us on a first name basis. I'm pretty sure they have just set aside a good hour each month for us just incase, considering the fact that it's just about monthly that we see them. Before you know it we are going to start having the vet over for dinner and our dogs will start dating and it will be a cute country song or something like that...? The following reasons are why we have taken her to the vet: She's had, a scratch to her eye, giardia, a bacterial infection, another bacterial infection, food allergies, and most recently a bout of heat stroke/ dehydration that made her nauseous and ill. On top of all of that the girl wont keep anything out of her mouth! She is as bad as a baby. If it's on the floor for more than 2 seconds it is instantly in her mouth.  She's lucky she is so cute, loving, gentle, energetic, loyal, smart, and did I mention cute?
Meet Sage, hopefully the most expensive four legged addition to our family we will ever have:
This little lover was born in California and her original owner did not know that she would get larger than 25 pounds- uh hello, she's a LAB BOXER not a pomeranian. So they had to surrender her to a shelter. This shelter was NOT a good place, especially for an adorable puppy like herself. They were a kill shelter, and we are so thankful for the Willamette Animal Rescue shelter in Salem for rescuing her, because about a month after they had rescued her we met her and have loved her ever since. 

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