Friday, June 7, 2013

The End of the Road

I feel pretty ECSTATIC about graduating because I don't have to go to another class (until my grad program) but also, because I did it! But I don't feel as compelled to walk as I thought I would. I met some really great people in college, I fell in love with the man who became my husband, I fell asleep in grassy patches, I played on an intramural soccer and basketball teams which I would have never done had it not been for some great people that I met, and I also learned a lot about myself. I love a good challenge and many people complimented me on my ability to work and go to school, but honestly I was just doing what I had to do to go to school and make something of myself (by the way, thank you to those people!)
I have changed more in these past four years than I ever thought I would. When I graduated high school I was like "man, I'm mature and stuff" looking back on it now, I'm glad I finished maturing a little more. Today, on my very last day of undergraduate college classes, I am confident in my abilities, I can carry on an educated conversation and stand behind my thoughts without second guessing myself, I believe in my values, morals, and goals, and I just truly love the person who I have become. Through this journey of hellacious college graduate-ude I have had the greatest support system ever. Shout out to the following:

My husband; I'm sorry for all of my mental break downs, all of my 100% dairy ice cream binges, and minor freak outs about ' I don't think I'm ever going to graduate!'- I did it! Hah. But truly, you have been my constant and the one person who can talk me down when I have wanted to throw in the towel, burn all of my school work, and just work as a stay at home survey taker (not really though, because that would be awful). I can't say I wont still have the first two out of that list, but I can promise to take deep breaths and my lactose pills :)
My Family; You all raised me, fought with me, challenged me, and cared for me though my entire college career. You even supported my 5 major changes- I know none of you believed me when I said that "this time was the last time" proved you wrong, whether I like it or not I'm graduating with it :) I am who I am today because of all of your love and support, I love you guys!

My Wonderful In-Law's; You welcomed me into a loving, supportive, amazing family and I have been forever grateful. You guys also did the polite nod and smile every time I changed my major- much appreciated :) But really, you helped me through a deployment, through major changes, and transitioning into a marriage- I can't tell you how much I love you guys!

And all of my friends; I know I am bound to miss names so I am making this broad- because you all know who you are :) You guys loosened me up and showed me that it's okay to relax a little bit. Thank you all for being a wonderful support system and for providing MANY laughs- those got me through to this day!

See ya later college, it's been real.

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