Sunday, May 16, 2010

BBQ's and Baby Steps

Well we've knocked down another two weeks and now the time is near for my trip to Mississippi. I'll be flying out in a little less than two weeks to go visit for Memorial Day weekend. This time can honestly not get here soon enough, everything was going rather fast until I realized that we had reached the two week point! But I am staying very busy with work and school as always and Lance has a series of classes next week which will keep him busy as well. Saturday was a lovely day I spent the early afternoon long boarding with my sister all around Albany, then i went to visit with my mom for quite a while and finished the evening off with a wonderful BBQ with all of the brothers and sisters :) We all arrived at Jaime's around 5:30

and the weather was perfect. It wasn't too bright meaning sun glasses weren't a necessity and it wasn't cold so summer clothes were able to be broken out. We all enjoyed dinner while watching Miss Bria truck around on her own two feet. It's crazy to think that two weeks ago when I babysat her that we spun in circles and now she's walking all on her own. Jaidyn had a soccer game Saturday as well and they won! Brian showed off his stunting moves with Cassidy and Abby, I managed to get a glimpse of it in a picture. I can't thank all of you enough for keeping me involved, it has helped so much, I told you I just can't manage to stay away from you all :) We love you Lance! See you soon.

Jaime made Fun-fetti cookies just for you!! She knows you love them!

The ladies...

annnd the gentlemen.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Hey everyone, I decided to help inform you guys a little bit about what i have been up to herein gulfport! Its been a little over a month since i first arrived here so i'll try and give an overview of what i have been up to. My first week here was death by powerpoint. The navy seems to have a strong belief that we love sitting in classrooms while someone goes through slides reading them to us. For me, i hate it ha. It took about a week to get processed in and get us all switched to active duty instead of reservists. The second week we started classes, again a whole lot of powerpoints and one practical application and the end of the week is normally how it goes. There are M16 rifle classes, combat skills, buiding classes etc. In my M16 class i got expert which is the highest level you can get so next time the brothers and i go shooting we'll see who shoots best haha. I have been trying to keep myself occupied because it makes this dry time in gulfport go by just a little quicker. We work six days a week and get saturday night and sundays off. however we are restricted to fifty miles from base so no New Orleans for me, sadly enough. A lot of early mornings and long days so far and i dont see that schedule changing until i come home ha. Luckily i have been able to talk to kayla so we don't feel too disconnected, and being able to talk to the family has been great and helps keep my spirits up. Im sorry i can't keep in touch more! I will try my hardest to call on the weekends. I appreciate the care packages you guys have put together and i can't wait to get them! Thank you guys for all of the support it means a lot to me! Ill try and update this whenever i get a chance. Love you all!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Care Packages and Cookies

Well we've made it through another week by staying busy as usual. Lance had several different classes and was named an expert shooter :). Friday night I had dinner at the Tegner's. Jenny and I managed to make some very delicious hamburgers and Kyle was an expert on the grill. Alicia and Randy are taking Porter on his first camping trip with them this weekend! I'm excited for an update on that. Today Jaidyn and Kailey had soccer games and I went over to Anna and Steve's and made cookies. Steve was a pro cookie taster. Anna, Cassidy, Abby, Lindsey, Bria and I made chocolate chip with reese's cookies and Anna made some delicious no-bake cookies. Those are just some of the things we will be putting in his care package. We've started to adjust a little bit more to him being away, it still gets to us from time to time but I am just so proud of him for being so strong. Only nine..ish more months to go!