Friday, August 20, 2010

Switchin' Things Up.

After looking at blogs from different families, significant others, wives, etc. going through exactly what we are going through right now I realized how helpful they are and nice to see what little things work for them to get through such an event in life. I feel like if I can be one blog that helps someone get through their deployment then I should switch things up a little bit. This is now becoming sort of my online journal...rather than me writing in an old spiral. Lindsey brought up a good point the other night that her blog is her old spiral, it's something that she will always have and she can keep it to remind herself about their season changes :) and it also gives updates to the entire family. So that's what I intend on doing. This is just the beginning and we're learning what things work with deployment and our relationship in general and using what doesn't as a learning experience along the way. This is something we'll have forever :) Today Linds and Alicia left for Sunriver for the weekend, which left me with the adorable Ms. Bria. I am sooo lucky to have this day with her, it's our first whole day together, just the two of us. We went for a little drive and went outside and went down the slide over and over again just enough to wear her out for a nap. Now she's down and it's my thinking time. After she wakes up we'll play some more until Brian gets home from work and then I'm going to take my little sister out to a movie for her birthday. She's turning 14 this year and I'm not 100% okay with the thought of her being able to get her permit next year. As for me I'm ten days shy of my last year of being a teenager. very weird. I'm not sure what you do for a 19th birthday...celebrate that you still have 2 more years until you can legally drink? Be able to vote...again? Well I will figure something out :)

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