Thursday, August 26, 2010

What works and what does not.

What works: Feel good music, music you can dance to...and I mean really dance to.
What doesn't: Not feel good music. Anything with the word(s) heart break, sad, cry, pain, baby-what-will-i-do-with-out-you...those are a no go.

What works: Surrounding yourself with people who bring you up. I have the best family ever. I'm so lucky to have the love and support from my parents and sisters as well as Lance's family. It's nice to all be in it together, you guys are wonderful.
What doesn't: Taking to heart small things out of your control. If you stress about the little things, the big things hit a lot harder.

What works: I've realized EVERYTHING in my life I truly have to be thankful for. Quick warning...Im about to get cheesy...that's just how I am :)
I'm thankful to have a boyfriend who can make me smile and who i can grow closer to even though he's half way across the world. I can't tell you how proud I am of you, there isn't many strong enough to go through that and still make their loved ones feel like their your number one. I'm thankful to have the wonderful support group of loved ones that I have. And I'm thanking my faith, for keeping Lance safe. The more you focus on everything you are blessed with suddenly the hardships don't seem unbearable anymore.

What works: PAINTING! and letting my creative side show. It's not only relaxing but it saves you a ton on home decor :)

In order to keep myself busy busy buys during my FIVE days off!!! I'm taking Cassidy and Abby to the Gilbert House in Salem to enjoy a nice girls day outing :) and for the next four days I will be sleeping...yep all four days.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good Music, Good Friends, Good day.

Sunday I had a lovely 9 hour shift at work. While I complain during the process I know in the end it's exactly what I want in order to keep myself busy. I really do enjoy my job. I have the best co-workers. To bring my Sunday night to an end, Hanna, Becca, Emily and myself embarked on a lovely journey to Fred Meyer, dressed in our finest attire and finished up with some dancing in Becca's living room. Oh a girls night :)
I was introduced to Florence the Machine, a new band I had never heard of and it is the best feel good music I have found yet. So good that it spiced up an eight and a half hour shift with Sara, Emily, Ross and I. Though it made have driven Ross insane that we listened to the same song...over and over again. It turned all of our days right around.

August is coming to an end and though I hate to see it go..I'M ECSTATIC that September is just around the corner, one more month down :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Switchin' Things Up.

After looking at blogs from different families, significant others, wives, etc. going through exactly what we are going through right now I realized how helpful they are and nice to see what little things work for them to get through such an event in life. I feel like if I can be one blog that helps someone get through their deployment then I should switch things up a little bit. This is now becoming sort of my online journal...rather than me writing in an old spiral. Lindsey brought up a good point the other night that her blog is her old spiral, it's something that she will always have and she can keep it to remind herself about their season changes :) and it also gives updates to the entire family. So that's what I intend on doing. This is just the beginning and we're learning what things work with deployment and our relationship in general and using what doesn't as a learning experience along the way. This is something we'll have forever :) Today Linds and Alicia left for Sunriver for the weekend, which left me with the adorable Ms. Bria. I am sooo lucky to have this day with her, it's our first whole day together, just the two of us. We went for a little drive and went outside and went down the slide over and over again just enough to wear her out for a nap. Now she's down and it's my thinking time. After she wakes up we'll play some more until Brian gets home from work and then I'm going to take my little sister out to a movie for her birthday. She's turning 14 this year and I'm not 100% okay with the thought of her being able to get her permit next year. As for me I'm ten days shy of my last year of being a teenager. very weird. I'm not sure what you do for a 19th birthday...celebrate that you still have 2 more years until you can legally drink? Be able to vote...again? Well I will figure something out :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1st

Wooohooo it's August!! This helps a ton knowing that we almost have one month down. Can you believe that? I have been staying busy at work and trying to get things squared away for school. There is a mix up in my financial aid and that's never good so once all of that is figured out I'll be set and ready to go :) I'm taking microbiology, math..something, sociology, lifetime fitness and health, human sexuality, and i feel like I'm missing one other one but I don't believe I am. So my fall term will be very busy which is just what I need. Also after talking to Good Sam about our CNA business I am really considering going to volunteer there and get in good with the staff so they know us well by the time you get back :) Since I talk about you enough and all. There isn't a whole lot of updates that I have except for that my car isn't broken!!! so that was a huge relief to only have to pay for new tires and ninety other new things. Brian and Lindsey just had an open house today so keep them in your prayers that their house sells quick. You are in all of our prayers every day Lance! We are so proud of you and can't wait for you to come home safe and sound. Like I've said a million times over it takes a very strong person to go through what you are going through and you are a very strong man. I'm sorry this update is so short I don't have a ton to tell. But as soon as I get updates from the rest of the family i will post again right away :)
I love you! i hope you have a great day!