Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Best Moms Group Ever

Throughout high school I played volleyball, ran track, and danced. My passion was ways dancing but I pretended that I was athletic enough to play volleyball and run track but the truth was; I was too short for volleyball and spent way too much time diving for stray balls that my puiny arms couldn't reach; I am freaking slow so I sucked at track. Period. But I did it because you didn't have to try out haha. 
Dancing was always where I felt at ease and after continuing for a year into college, life got busy and once you are dancing for recreation it's not the same as when you're performing. 

Thus, I entered a new chapter in my life where I tried to find something to fill that passion. Zumba was okay, still not what I wanted. Going to the gym and spending 30 minutes burning 15 calories on the elliptical sucked. And I still wasn't athletic enough for intramural sports. 
Lance started this crazy and intimidating thing called Crossfit and I gave it a big ol stiff arm because, woah. That sounded hard and scary lol. 

Well...then we had Ames and I stood looking at myself in the mirror, just irritated and full of post partum emotions. So I agreed to try this crazy intimidating sport. AND I LOVED IT. 

There's a Fight Club reference that the first rule in Crossfit is always talk about Crossfit and that the second rule is also, to always talk about Crossfit. It's humerous because anyone who is passionate about anything is going to talk about it, a lot. So I shall embrace that and continue talking about it, because it's changed my entire outlook on fitness goals. 

Not only have I regained my confidence, feel comfortable in my own skin again, and FEEL better, but I feel strong. I've never known that feeling before and it
Feels great. It feels great knowing that we are setting a good example for Ames to eventually follow. 

Also, this is better than any other Moms group I could have joined. The people and the community are incredible. It's so  much fun to be around and be apart of such a supportive group of women (and men). But when the lifting is over and we are all somehow breathing normal again, we have the chance to talk about the kiddos and give (or in my case, get) advice. They cheer me on in the workout and they are pretty awesome and supportive moms. 

I'm so thankful that lance and I are a part of this community. I can't wait to raise Ames around such strong, kind, and generous people. 

I'm going to want to remember what I felt like when I first started and I can't wait to see how i feel in a year. 

Dump the Pump- Ames 7 months

Ames hasn't wanted to nurse for around 2 months now. It was a constant battle with so many tears...both ways, so I went to exclusively pumping. As mentioned in previous posts...pumping is my nemisis. NEMISIS! I loathed the process, the cleaning of those tiny parts that are so easily lost, trying to pump when your husband is at work and your baby is screaming at the top of his lungs because he's hungry- yeah. It sucked. And to top it off, Our dietitian had us fortifying because she didn't think the calorie count of my milk was high enough and I wasn't keeping up with Ames for supply so we were supplementing with formula.
After I spent a drive to Lebanon pumping, while on my way to an assessment for work...I had enough. I dumped the pump. I had extreme guilt about this whole process. I felt lazy. Like I wasn't willing to make that sacrifice for Ames. But the fact is, I was miserable, I wasn't sleeping, I was angry. As soon as I was able to realize that it not only wasn't good for me to have that high of stress, but it also wasn't good for Ames to be around it...I dumped it And ohhhh it felt good.

So now we're onto formula and he's already gaining weight better. Hes also trying solids! He loves carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, and peaches. He does not like peas or rice cereal...but he's a trooper and gives them a try. He loves eating. It's so much fun. I've had to come to realize that eating is not and never will be a clean process so I might as well embrace it lol. 

Ames still fights sleep but I would say that the fights are getting shorter! So that's good. He's slowly working himself into a schedule. Shout out to my babysitters for working with me and writing everything down. Love you guys 😘 

What else? Ah- he's SUPER squirmy. He's rolling from his back to his stomach and inch worms all over the place. He loves the exersaucer and SQUEALING at the top of his lungs. He has the cutest voice and loves to use it. He's a happy giggly baby, loves being around people and is such a ham. 

Life is busy here at the Armstrong house but I can't help but thank my lucky stars when I come home to these sweethearts.