Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Weekend Off!

Well for me anyways. I had Friday and Saturday off work so Friday I deep cleaned the apartment to get ready for school and then picked up my sisters to come stay over with us since it was our parents 17th anniversary. Wow..I know...17th!! They are such an inspiration. It shows that when the going gets tough the tough over come the going. My little sister Kim is a wonderful photographer. It's a skill she picked up a little over a year ago and has been doing amazing ever since. She's done a few mock engagement sessions with Lance and I to build her portfolio and has done a couple senior picture sessions! She's fantastic! They went home yesterday morning right before people started to come over and get ready for the game. My friend Sam, Jayme, and some of Jayme's family came over to my apartment and we walked to the tailgaters and such after Lance got home from work. It was extremely warm in the student section. Aluminum benches and 87 degree weather tend to create that result, however. And then we didn't win, so that was...upsetting. BUT it was so much fun being able to hang out with our friends, cheer for OSU, and yell at UCLA. We left the game early due to heat exhaustion and lack of winning and drove up to Hillsboro to meet the newest member of the family, Reese Makena Holcomb. Oh and she is absolutely perfect. I could have held her all night. Bria is such a good big sister, she held her and loved on her, and Lindsey and Brian seem just so overjoyed and happy with their beautiful family. Watching Lindsey makes me so excited to be a mom some the future, quite some time from now. Anyways, here's some pictures from this weekend.
Who's serious these days? :)
The photographer herself

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Just Because

I feel like everyone has to learn at some point or another just exactly what truly matters in your life. When you're young, EVERYTHING is a big deal from who said Happy Birthday to who is going to what game. As the years pass though the important people remember the important things and those are the only ones who truly matter. I've been blessed with truly great people in my life who help me celebrate the important things, or the "just because's". Where would I be without them? Probably still making a big deal out of EVERYTHING. This week has been a mundane routine. Lance works everyday, as do I. However, he works days and I work nights, therefore we don't see each other except for a couple minutes before bed. But he still finds small ways, just because, to let me know how much he cares. For instance the other night he greeted me at the door after my late shift with a bouquet of roses and a clean kitchen ( the boy knows me really well! ) And so I learn that the simple things that are important. Without my truly important, soul mate, I would most likely be making a big deal out of EVERYTHING. So now we prepare for school, which we are actually both looking forward to. We have a class together! Which is something we never expected to happen. And we are also preparing for the wedding. 359 days as of today! It seems so far away when you put it into days but with school it will most definitely creep up on us faster than expected. This journey is just going to be full of laughs and I cannot wait.
Obviously, since I'm marrying a goofball, I'm the luckiest girl in the world
Thank you Kim Davis for the beautiful pictures!