Sunday, July 26, 2015

I Just Have to Pee..

As a parent, your needs are always second to those of your child's. I have come to find that this includes any and all instances where you are seconds from peeing your pants and your child has smacked his head on the wall/fallen from holding onto an unsteady toy/blown out his diaper on the carpet for the 3rd time this week. 
The most recent instance is this very moment. I have spent the last hour and a half trying to get Ames down for his morning nap. Let me draw you a picture. 

8:10am we started with our usual nap time routine, bottle, song, rocking chair, lay down while eyes are rolling to the back of his head. He's dozing off- boom. Time to get some cleaning done so I can hopefully drink my coffee and space out for a half hour before he wakes up. 

8:15am a loud banging starts upstairs 

He's demanding some service! 
"Ma! The meatloaf!"

8:35am painfully loud crying. Lay him back down, give him his binkie and he falls back asleep.  

8:40am he's back up whaling again. 
This process repeats for the next hour 

9:25am he needs to Nap and the only place he has stayed asleep for more than 5 minutes is my arms. And I've had to pee since we started this mother loving fiasco. I have caved. Because if he doesn't sleep now..we are screwed for nap number two and then the whole day is shot. 

I have a mountain of clean, unfolded laundry at my feet, a sleeping baby in my arms that is still breathing heavy from all the crying he did since we began this brawl, and I am going to pee my pants. 

Truthfully, as wonderful as it would be to get the mountain of house work done that is well past due...he NEVER snuggles anymore so for now- I'll embrace the cuddles and binge watch some Netflix. 

I'm behind on blogging. Ames turned 8 months on the 9th and we are experiencing a whole new baby. He's crawling all over the place, pulling himself up on anything and everything, and is breaking a tooth in! What in the heck?! Where did my teeny tiny baby go?!

It's hard to believe that our once 3lb baby is now 16 pounds! 

He is SO social- he visits with everyone at Crossfit in the mornings and just soaks up all the attention he gets. He melts everyone with that toothless smile 
So far he has loved every food we've thrown his way to except peas and bananas by themselves. He prefers to feed himself...that doesn't always go great...
But he loves it so that works. The sleep struggle is real, but that smile helps you forget all about it...most of the time.