Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sweet Summer Time

Shasta Bound! We embarked on our five hour journey on Sunday around 11:15 from Lindsey and Brian's house. I road down with Kyle and Jenny and we enjoyed the sweet sounds of Dierks Bently and other country favorites to truly kick off the summer mood.We made great time, especially considering that we stopped for Old Navy/Food/Fuel. The necessities :) The first night we were there we loaded all of our belongings onto the house boat, which was beautiful. We spent that night docked at the marina since we had to await our orientation before heading out. Apparently they don't let just anyone drive these things..which is weird because Brian drove us...scary lol only kidding. We truly were the coolest party barge on the lake. We came equip with two jet ski's, the Miss "B" Haven boat, and the infamous three story house boat. Our days were spent mainly enjoying the sun and the company of an amazing family. Unfortunately all of the days some what blend together so you'll have to bare with me. I believe it was Tuesday, Jenny, Lindsey, Jaime and myself performed a beautiful synchronized swimming routine. Lindsey was a very tough coach but judging by our extreme sharp movements and precise timing it was well worth the dedication. Later that day the boys went out on the boat to go wake boarding and what not while all of the girls set up a surprise graduation party for Brian who just finished his MBA. Congratulations Brian!! So proud of you! On Wednesday, after many many 1,2,3 count downs Anna, Lindsey, Jenny and myself got up enough courage to jump from the third story of the house boat. Well correction, Anna was ready to go the second we got up there. It was the rest of us that were a little skeptical. The rest of that day was spent around the table enjoying wonderful food and many laughs. Even though you couldn't be there physically, Lance doesn't mean that you weren't there in spirit. We all talked about you constantly especially about how proud of you we are. It takes a very strong person to go through all of this. You are my hero and I know I can speak for everyone else in that as well. Our count down is on and we can do this. I am SO very blessed to have been able to spend this trip with such a fantastic family. I feel so much closer to all of you guys and I wouldn't have it any other way. You guys are by far the best support system I could ever have and I love you all to pieces. I just hope that I can give the same support in return.

Friday, June 4, 2010


An early Friday morning full of many hours of traveling came to a wonderful end when I finally landed in Mississippi. I felt so blessed to actually be able to see Lance and couldn't believe that the time had actually come. Upon arrival we went to pick up our rental car, which was a Toyota Yaris, we did not blend in, we most definitely looked like tourists. You could easily travel Europe in that thing on one tank of gas.

I got to go onto base with Lance and see where he was staying and got a visual of exactly what kind of stuff he was doing. Base is a lot bigger than I had imagined which put me at ease a little bit. Just so you all know it's quite different than the movies ha. Later that night we met up with another couple and went out to a steak house for dinner and then got situated for the night. Saturday we woke up early and started our adventure to New Orleans with another couple. We had lunch at the House of Blues and enjoyed the sights. There was a horse and carriage ride that went around touring the French Quarter and we learned so much about down town New Orleans. All of the buildings are exactly the same as they were when Napolean stayed in there! Very educational. We left New Orleans Sunday morning and had a wonderful day together, we went to lunch, to a movie, and then to the outlet malls. The weekend was very laid back which was exactly what we both needed, just enjoying each others company. Now we're both back to our usual schedules and Lance is off to field training for about three weeks. This is where he prepares for similar things that he will be doing over seas.